Why couples get divorced

The reasons a marriage may end can vary from couple to couple. However, married couples in Ohio may benefit from learning about some of the most common reasons a divorce occurs. A list that details the leading causes of divorce was created using data obtained from a...

Myths about prenuptial agreements

Many people who get married in Ohio don’t worry about getting a prenuptial agreement. There are many misconceptions about signing a prenup that stop couples from getting one when it would be in their best interests to consider it. Most couples believe that...

Lack of hope may doom a marriage

Marriages in Ohio and elsewhere are more likely to last when both parties to the relationship are hopeful about its future. This hypothesis was tested in a 1992 study conducted by the University of Washington. It found that hopelessness in a relationship can also lead...

Divorce and allocating retirement plans

The allocation of retirement assets can be a significant source of contention during a divorce. Ohio residents also have to be mindful of the manner in which they go about dividing such assets when they have finally reached divorce settlement terms. The various types...